
My job could possibly fire my coworker over a non contagious skin condition

My coworker was just give notice that they are taking her off the schedule for 30 days without pay to work on her skin condition she has psoriasis and extreme case it’s all over her body. We do work in a restaurant but there’s no health code saying she can’t work with it because it’s not contagious and we don’t even have any negative reviews about it as well. It’s a “small” family owned business if you count 18 locations still owned by the same owner a small business. She has worked for the company for two years and worked at a different location when she was a teenager what changed we are not sure. Any advice? Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes I’m super dyslexic and tired they over work me for a non manager.

My coworker was just give notice that they are taking her off the schedule for 30 days without pay to work on her skin condition she has psoriasis and extreme case it’s all over her body. We do work in a restaurant but there’s no health code saying she can’t work with it because it’s not contagious and we don’t even have any negative reviews about it as well. It’s a “small” family owned business if you count 18 locations still owned by the same owner a small business. She has worked for the company for two years and worked at a different location when she was a teenager what changed we are not sure. Any advice? Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes I’m super dyslexic and tired they over work me for a non manager.

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