
My job cut my pay, I hired a lawyer, we threatened a lawsuit, and now my job is offering to settle. What would you do?

I have to decide in the next day or two how I want to proceed. I was always treated badly, but I ignored it and powered through until they lowered my pay and TOLD ME to my face it was because of my identity (protected characteristics from the 1964 civil rights act, like race, gender, sexuality, etc.) Don’t worry, I was recording the conversation Now their lawyer told mine they’re open to settling (paying me off so that I don’t sue). Looking for Reddit advice. Do I try to make an example of them and spend the next 1-2 years of my life dealing with this and ultimately maybe make change, but have a small risk of it not working out, or do I settle now and take the money and heal from everything I’ve been through and move on? Edit to add: company’s lawyer said we get to make…

I have to decide in the next day or two how I want to proceed. I was always treated badly, but I ignored it and powered through until they lowered my pay and TOLD ME to my face it was because of my identity (protected characteristics from the 1964 civil rights act, like race, gender, sexuality, etc.) Don’t worry, I was recording the conversation Now their lawyer told mine they’re open to settling (paying me off so that I don’t sue). Looking for Reddit advice. Do I try to make an example of them and spend the next 1-2 years of my life dealing with this and ultimately maybe make change, but have a small risk of it not working out, or do I settle now and take the money and heal from everything I’ve been through and move on?

Edit to add: company’s lawyer said we get to make the opening offer for the settlement amount. My lawyer has been really supportive and is down to do whatever I want to do about settling or a lawsuit, he thinks we have a strong winnable case but that going through a lawsuit takes a toll. Also 100% of conversations are through the lawyers now, I don’t get to talk to them anymore.

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