
My job deleted everyone’s banked PTO?

First off, I am currently working in the state of Colorado. I've been at my job for a little over a year. My 1 year anniversary date was on March 17th. At that time I had 80 hours of PTO. How it works is for every year you are with the company, they add on 40 hours to the PTO limit. For example, in the 1st year you are there employees get 40 hours. Then the 2nd year, 80 hours. 3rd year 120 hours with 120 being the limit. Around the end of March, the company decided to implement a new PTO policy where the time would accrue with every pay period instead of receiving it at the beginning of every year. So instead of letting those of us that had PTO banked, they erased everyone's PTO and started it off at 0 hours so now we have to accrue…

First off, I am currently working in the state of Colorado. I've been at my job for a little over a year. My 1 year anniversary date was on March 17th. At that time I had 80 hours of PTO. How it works is for every year you are with the company, they add on 40 hours to the PTO limit. For example, in the 1st year you are there employees get 40 hours. Then the 2nd year, 80 hours. 3rd year 120 hours with 120 being the limit. Around the end of March, the company decided to implement a new PTO policy where the time would accrue with every pay period instead of receiving it at the beginning of every year. So instead of letting those of us that had PTO banked, they erased everyone's PTO and started it off at 0 hours so now we have to accrue our time. I'm not sure of the legality of just deleting everyone's PTO considering the state of Colorado sees PTO as earned wages. Has anyone else ever had a similar situation happen to them? :/ TIA

Edit: I forgot to mention that after receiving my 80 hours of PTO (before the policy change) I requested and was approved for 16 hours in May for my cousin's graduation. Because all PTO was deleted, I'm now being told I can't take the days that I was originally approved for off because I don't have enough PTO to use.

Edit #2: I just pulled up all of my paystubs from January 2022 to the most recent pay period and my PTO balances aren't listed at all. I'm not even sure what else to do at this point 🙁 I asked my coworkers about it as well and they don't have access to see their correct PTO balances either.

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