
My job is burning me. I need suggestions on how to handle it.

I work 48 hours a week (if you exclude the 1 hour commute which would make it 60 hrs) for a minimum salary in Mexico, about 1 USD/hr. It can help pay food, rent, but if you want anything relating electronics and tech, good luck paying the exact same same prices the average american (who earns 20 times as much as you) has to pay. Free market, yay! ​ Basically, I wake up at 11 AM, have whatever breakfast while watching a quick youtube vid, then take a shower and start to get ready to work. I come home at 11 PM. I cool off and do have some dinner while watching youtube, by then it'll be 12:30 AM. I go to my bedroom to finally have some peace of mind and do what I actually keeps me going, which is listening to music, learning stuff and playing games/chatting with…

I work 48 hours a week (if you exclude the 1 hour commute which would make it 60 hrs) for a minimum salary in Mexico, about 1 USD/hr.

It can help pay food, rent, but if you want anything relating electronics and tech, good luck paying the exact same same prices the average american (who earns 20 times as much as you) has to pay. Free market, yay!

Basically, I wake up at 11 AM, have whatever breakfast while watching a quick youtube vid, then take a shower and start to get ready to work.

I come home at 11 PM. I cool off and do have some dinner while watching youtube, by then it'll be 12:30 AM.

I go to my bedroom to finally have some peace of mind and do what I actually keeps me going, which is listening to music, learning stuff and playing games/chatting with friends.

Then, after an hour of so I start to feel sleepy. By 2 AM I'm usually too tired to continue.

Right now, it's 4 AM and even though Im super tired, I've been forcing myself to not sleep since 2 AM because I'm so frustrated I can't even do fucking anything. I have a list of some chores I had to do on my computer, and it's been like 2 months and I've done only a handful. Do you know what it feels having those chores/projects next to you but being too low on energy to do them EVERY FUCKING DAY?

I basically have a tad more than 2.5 viable hours of the day for me where I have energy and mental wellness to do stuff. 3. fucking. hours. THREE.

I'm asking for your suggestions, because running on Redbull and sleeping 5-6 hours a day is not making any extra time I squeeze out of it any more productive or enjoyable. The only fucking serotonin kicks I get throughout the day is when I steal company time in longer breaks.

Even then, some people would probably say I'm supposed to be glad of a system that forces me to sacrifice 70% of my LIFE and in return not make in 30 years the money some pigs that work 1% as much as I make in a month. Sure.

What a fucking scam.

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