
My job is installing facial recognition scanners and it feels really invasive.

Pretty much as the title suggests. Several coworkers and I aren't exactly comfortable with the idea of having our faces scanned, and how that will be used. We've assumed that it's for clocking in, but we dont know what else it'll be used for. It just feels wrong. I can't exactly find any concrete laws or osha regulations about biometrics being used. Is anyone else dealing with this type of situation?

Pretty much as the title suggests. Several coworkers and I aren't exactly comfortable with the idea of having our faces scanned, and how that will be used. We've assumed that it's for clocking in, but we dont know what else it'll be used for. It just feels wrong. I can't exactly find any concrete laws or osha regulations about biometrics being used.

Is anyone else dealing with this type of situation?

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