
My job is ruining my mental health

I have finally hit my breaking point at my job. My manager is so toxic and I have a gut feeling she strongly dislikes me. Examples: • She built a whole case with date stamps of things I’d done wrong or voiced my opinions about. She showed me during my performance review • She’s been working to get rid of someone who’s been at the company 20+ years • She tracks sick time • She complains and talks bad about other employees • when I call out sick, she doesn’t respond. She sends an email to the team & logs it • she does not recognize hard work. I feel super unappreciated • she wanted us to work on the holiday to catch up on tasks, I worked hard prior to the holiday to get that day off. I cleaned up a majority of tasks, but she did not recognize.…

I have finally hit my breaking point at my job. My manager is so toxic and I have a gut feeling she strongly dislikes me.


• She built a whole case with date stamps of things I’d done wrong or voiced my opinions about. She showed me during my performance review

• She’s been working to get rid of someone who’s been at the company 20+ years

• She tracks sick time

• She complains and talks bad about other employees

• when I call out sick, she doesn’t respond. She sends an email to the team & logs it

• she does not recognize hard work. I feel super unappreciated

• she wanted us to work on the holiday to catch up on tasks, I worked hard prior to the holiday to get that day off. I cleaned up a majority of tasks, but she did not recognize.

• she thanks and recognizes other people but is very hesitant to compliment me or recognize my efforts.

• she set up a meeting with me, didn’t show up and said she had to make calls. Found out she was chit chatting with my other co worker

• she goes to another co worker to discuss things that she should talk to me about, such as people on my team / my work and tasks.

• intense training and testing systems with no pay incentives or appreciation

• I’m in a higher position but found out someone was hired on with a dollar less pay rate (manager knew this person). So ya people gossip and this got around.

I cannot continue in this environment. Everything all at once is causing a lot of stress for me. I have another job almost lined up.. I’m waiting to get the official offer letter.

But I truly do not want to submit a 2 week notice. Maybe just a 1 week?? Does anyone have any advice?

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