
My job is straight up screwing people, and everyone around me is just okay with it.

I apologize for formatting as I'm on mobile and don't post a whole lot. In a nutshell, my company is a manufacturer, and today they informed us that they completely laid off all of our temporary workers (they hire almost exclusively through temp agencies). And they're cutting one of our major departments down to 32 hours a week instead of 40. The reason? Because we're “not getting enough orders”. The funny thing is that our supervisors have been bragging to us about our record breaking profits, as well as systematically automating a good chuck of the jobs in here with brand new machines. But they don't have enough money to keep paying people? They gave us like a $1 raise at the beginning of the year but we were only making $11 an hour to begin with. And the worst part about all of this? Almost everyone here has no…

I apologize for formatting as I'm on mobile and don't post a whole lot.

In a nutshell, my company is a manufacturer, and today they informed us that they completely laid off all of our temporary workers (they hire almost exclusively through temp agencies). And they're cutting one of our major departments down to 32 hours a week instead of 40.

The reason? Because we're “not getting enough orders”. The funny thing is that our supervisors have been bragging to us about our record breaking profits, as well as systematically automating a good chuck of the jobs in here with brand new machines. But they don't have enough money to keep paying people? They gave us like a $1 raise at the beginning of the year but we were only making $11 an hour to begin with.

And the worst part about all of this? Almost everyone here has no issue with it, it's probably because they're all at least 40+ years of age and believe in working yourself to death. Many of which have been laid off multiple times for this exact reason, and nobody says or does anything about it.

Honestly I'm beyond pissed off, even if my job and hours aren't being affected. I'm pissed that this is just acceptable and I'm the only one here seeing the exploitation for what it is!

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