
My job is threatening to fire me because I need time to sleep and I have appointments with the housing authority to subsidize their low wages.

I worked until close, around 2AM, my ride was drunk, so I started walking. I got home at 3:30AM. There is no bus in this city on Sundays, so in order to make it to the mandatory meeting, I would have had to start walking at 5:30AM. That would give me 2 hours at home of which I would have probably been able to sleep 20-30 minutes. After the meeting, I had a 6 hour gap before having to work until 2AM again. I wasn’t going to spend half of that time walking, so I would just be at work for 19 hours. Instead, I said fuck it and slept in. I sent them a text saying I was doing it and why. They scheduled a remedial meeting a 2 hour transit away too early for the bus so that the map app had me go there at night and…

I worked until close, around 2AM, my ride was drunk, so I started walking. I got home at 3:30AM. There is no bus in this city on Sundays, so in order to make it to the mandatory meeting, I would have had to start walking at 5:30AM. That would give me 2 hours at home of which I would have probably been able to sleep 20-30 minutes. After the meeting, I had a 6 hour gap before having to work until 2AM again. I wasn’t going to spend half of that time walking, so I would just be at work for 19 hours. Instead, I said fuck it and slept in. I sent them a text saying I was doing it and why. They scheduled a remedial meeting a 2 hour transit away too early for the bus so that the map app had me go there at night and wait 11 hours. 🤣 I wouldn’t have gone anyway, but they scheduled it at the same time as my HUDVASH appointment. It’s a program that gets veterans off the street and keeps them housed. They are accusing me of lying because I asked for today off for an appointment with medical and I said I could close tomorrow. I could close because I have the HUDVASH appointment in the morning. I’d be more than happy to skip on my housing appointment if they paid me a living wage, but since they’re paying about $19k/yr, it ain’t gonna happen. The funny thing is this was supposed to be a chill, bullshit job to pass the time while I get my disability rating, but it turns out it’s just some little tin pot dictators who feel entitled to your entire life for a pittance. I’m pretty sure they honestly wouldn’t care if I was sleeping in the alley behind the place. It’s amazing how caring about yourself at all is viewed as a revolutionary act.

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