
My job is turning into one that I didn’t apply for…without my consultation. (vent)

I just need to vent. I've been in my position for a year and a half. We're a small company, so roles blend and flex as needed, which is not a new experience for me. (I've literally worked for a company the same size before.) The new thing I'm experiencing is that: if I look back at the job post that I responded to… about 75% of the tasks and responsibilities could be crossed out. And the 25% that remains is what was least exciting to me about the job in the first place. (Naturally.) The real kicker for me is that my tasks have been delegated elsewhere without my consent, consultation, or justification from management. When I try to bring this up with management, they respond that I need to be more flexible because we're a small company and that I'm not in a position to influence business decisions.…

I just need to vent. I've been in my position for a year and a half. We're a small company, so roles blend and flex as needed, which is not a new experience for me. (I've literally worked for a company the same size before.) The new thing I'm experiencing is that: if I look back at the job post that I responded to… about 75% of the tasks and responsibilities could be crossed out. And the 25% that remains is what was least exciting to me about the job in the first place. (Naturally.)

The real kicker for me is that my tasks have been delegated elsewhere without my consent, consultation, or justification from management. When I try to bring this up with management, they respond that I need to be more flexible because we're a small company and that I'm not in a position to influence business decisions. Essentially, “get in your lane, be grateful, and stop complaining.”

At the same time, management seems very anxious that I'm “unhappy with my role” and that I might leave. Which, you would think would motivate them to…I don't know…ask me about my opinions and then act in a way to retain my employment. But no. They're continuing to butcher the role I excitedly applied to all while saying they want to “make me happy and feel fulfilled by my career.”

It's so weird. And so fucking frustrating. I just don't understand how they think this isn't pushing me away or any other employee if they replicate this situation.

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