
My job made my coworker work 17 hours.

We have been critically low on Saturdays for weeks. Management has been dragging their feet on hiring for Night Shift staff because one employee picks up a lot of Saturdays even though she has no obligation to do so. Tonight that employee picked up later hours and this ment that our department would be completely empty for five hours (we work 12 hour shifts). Management told our lowest seniority employee that they would have to stay late or get fired. This same management cut four of our Saturday positions which is what made us so critically low on staff in the first place. Now we are concerned that this will happen every weekend.

We have been critically low on Saturdays for weeks. Management has been dragging their feet on hiring for Night Shift staff because one employee picks up a lot of Saturdays even though she has no obligation to do so.

Tonight that employee picked up later hours and this ment that our department would be completely empty for five hours (we work 12 hour shifts). Management told our lowest seniority employee that they would have to stay late or get fired.

This same management cut four of our Saturday positions which is what made us so critically low on staff in the first place. Now we are concerned that this will happen every weekend.

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