
My job makes me annoy people into coming back to work

I work in a relatively medium sized company with about five thousand employees. Without revealing too much, we have a department of employees that basically get assigned trips for 3 to 4 days at a time and they have to travel for those scheduled days. When you call out sick, you are marked as sick for the entire length of your trip that week. Part of my job task everyday requires me to call every employee that called out sick the day before and ask them for a doctors note while my boss breathes down my neck making sure I do it. The amount of people I call every day ranges from about 10 to 30 people. If they don’t have a note then I have to keep calling back every single day and basically annoying them into getting a note, or telling them they have to come back to…

I work in a relatively medium sized company with about five thousand employees.

Without revealing too much, we have a department of employees that basically get assigned trips for 3 to 4 days at a time and they have to travel for those scheduled days.

When you call out sick, you are marked as sick for the entire length of your trip that week. Part of my job task everyday requires me to call every employee that called out sick the day before and ask them for a doctors note while my boss breathes down my neck making sure I do it. The amount of people I call every day ranges from about 10 to 30 people.

If they don’t have a note then I have to keep calling back every single day and basically annoying them into getting a note, or telling them they have to come back to work because if they were actually sick then they would’ve gone to the doctors.

I honestly think this is a horrible practice, and trying to force people back to work because you don’t think they’re sick without a doctors note is ridiculous. Seeing a doctor is such a privilege and people shouldn’t be penalized for it. Also, they get sick time and they should I honestly be left alone if they call out feeling bad, it’s not your employers business on why you’re out.

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