
My job thinks the only mental health days we need to have are on the weekends

Basically the title. Also, I'm on mobile so sorry for the wall of text. I work with kids and most of the time I can just shrug hard days away and come back the next day fine. But I had probably the roughest day yesterday since working there. So I called about taking a mental health day. Got told we don't excuse people for mental health days, we need to be at work for the kids, and that thats what the weekends are for. I'm sorry but I've been there for the kids everyday since working there besides when I was out because of having COVID and a bad stomach flu. One of my other coworkers was recently put into a position with more responsibility than she had previously and understandably she's been taking a day off every week. I wish more jobs recognized needing a mental health day, I…

Basically the title. Also, I'm on mobile so sorry for the wall of text. I work with kids and most of the time I can just shrug hard days away and come back the next day fine. But I had probably the roughest day yesterday since working there. So I called about taking a mental health day. Got told we don't excuse people for mental health days, we need to be at work for the kids, and that thats what the weekends are for. I'm sorry but I've been there for the kids everyday since working there besides when I was out because of having COVID and a bad stomach flu. One of my other coworkers was recently put into a position with more responsibility than she had previously and understandably she's been taking a day off every week. I wish more jobs recognized needing a mental health day, I shouldn't have to feel like I need to lie just to take a needed day off.

Edited to add: this job is also one of those ones that when you're puking your guts out or can barely talk they tell you its your job to find your own coverage. I know most people think that's not how it should be and isn't my responsibility and I agree 100%

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