
my last job

hey y'all, just found this sub recently, though it's been my mindset for some time. just felt like sharing my experience with & after my job 🙂 ​ so first things first it's GoDaddy, the only place that I ever “wanted” to work, I applied to this job at least 10 times over 5 years and got three interview's. the first time the interview went great and I thought I had it, they never contacted me after that even when I contacted them asking what exactly their reasons were. the second time I had a really good interview but my interviewer was extremely unprofessional up to and including literally taking a personal phone call during the middle of my interview. same outcome. the third time was the end of 2020, interview was online it went great and they hired me but they made me wait 2 months to actually start…

hey y'all, just found this sub recently, though it's been my mindset for some time. just felt like sharing my experience with & after my job 🙂

so first things first it's GoDaddy, the only place that I ever “wanted” to work, I applied to this job at least 10 times over 5 years and got three interview's. the first time the interview went great and I thought I had it, they never contacted me after that even when I contacted them asking what exactly their reasons were. the second time I had a really good interview but my interviewer was extremely unprofessional up to and including literally taking a personal phone call during the middle of my interview. same outcome. the third time was the end of 2020, interview was online it went great and they hired me but they made me wait 2 months to actually start training/working.

When I finally started after nearly getting evicted for being unable to pay rent I made minimum wage for 4 weeks of training. afterwards I chose a schedule of 4 days a week 10 hours a day because I have crippling mental illness that requires a lot of appointments that I need days off for, and i began working that schedule for $18.50 an hour for a high level technical support position (wfh call center)

it started out okay, lots of issues that I've dealt with at lots of jobs that I've worked before, like literally needing approval or permission or something for anything but the most basic task.

the first biggest problem was that this was a technical support position for more or less every godaddy product and there's roughly 100 of them not counting teirs, so there was so much to learn just about the basic product stack and so much more to learn about all of the issues and all of the resolutions and all of the steps to those resolutions.

the second biggest issue is that the majority of resolutions involved selling or upselling products or services to customers who simply just want their products to work as advertised. in my technical support role I was tasked with a pretty extreme sales quota that was several times my daily income, so I got to sit there for 10 hours a day pedaling bullshit of which I had to sell several hundred dollars worth per day with the only incentive being that I don't get fired for not hitting the quota. working first hand seeing hundreds if not thousands of dollars being collected by me daily and receiving just about absolutely none of it. so on top of that kick in the nuts every single day the mental and emotional turmoil that it put me through feeling like I was basically scamming everybody that I had to talk to definitely didn't help me feel better.

the third biggest issue was that, when I initially started there was I'd say a relatively normal amount of downtime for a call center sometimes it's back to back sometimes it's a call every 5 to 10 minutes relatively normal. within a couple of months it went from relatively normal to every single day that I worked I had 10 straight hours of back-to-back calls of people yelling at me and complaining to me and bitching and moaning and I get to sit there scamming them. in the almost one year that I worked for them as far as I'm aware they hired no additional employees for my position to help with the sometimes hour plus queue and to add insult to injury every single time you talk to a new person they first have to bitch and moan about how long it took to get to somebody as if I wasn't sitting there working my ass off. and I had to apologize and make excuses on behalf of the company for the long wait times Knowing damn well why there were a long wait times.

roughly 5 months after I started working I was put in a mental hospital for not a small amount of time for trying to end my own life due to dealing with my job dealing with the outcome of having not enough money to live from my job and my pre-existing crippling mental illnesses.

after getting out of the hospital I worked two or so weeks before I could not take it anymore I called off sick working an average of one day a week for the next 5 months. during this time I was not immediately fired due to dealing with medical leave however their third party company eventually declined all of my paperwork due to the fact that I did not have an end date to my condition implying that I would magically be cured at some time in the future and that I should know when exactly that would be. leaving all of my absences basically unexcused. on top of this they also falsely claimed that I had done another fireable action. and terminated my employment shortly thereafter.

following this and my continued crippling mental illness I had completely eaten through everything that I had saved up by the end of the year and was facing eviction at the beginning of 2022 to which I again tried to end my life and spent an even more significant amount of time in a mental hospital.

and now I get my state's version of medicare along with additional assistance due to my crippling mental illnesses and I was moved to a housing program that I don't have to pay a dime for and I get food assistance that I don't have to pay a dime for. meaning I have no expenses and no income to worry about more or less. other than the fact that my issues still aren't magically cured it's great not having to work to live 🙂

so the title is both in regards to the last job that I worked at and the fact that I do not see myself working for one reason or another anytime soon.

it's not that I don't want to work, can't work, or haven't even tried to get work. all of which are not true. I have outlined The Three core pillars of a job in which the bear requirement is at least one of those pillars:

1 getting paid enough

2 easy work

3 an employer that respects you

and I have found myself in both an unfortunate and a very fortunate position that I can require at least one of these things to work. however given the outcome of several interviews that I've had and the state of the US, I find it highly unlikely that I will be working anytime soon.

tldr; fuck godaddy, fuck work, not working is pog

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