
My latest work experience

I live in Puerto Rico. Currently am a college student and I work at a store that sells men’s clothes. Shifts are very slow, and the owner had to close one of the two stores that existed at the moment because the executive board at the Mall of San Juan (which is basically the most upscale mall in Puerto Rico at the moment) said that, due to contractual reasons (a better-known store was going to replace us), we had to close down. Now, there’s only one store left, which is located at the Fairmont San Juan Hotel in Isla Verde. Like I told you earlier, shifts are very slow. Shifts last around 6 hours and it’s not uncommon to not make a single sale. Furthermore, all of my coworkers have slowly resigned. Right now, there’s only two of us left, as the third one that he had until recently resigned…

I live in Puerto Rico. Currently am a college student and I work at a store that sells men’s clothes. Shifts are very slow, and the owner had to close one of the two stores that existed at the moment because the executive board at the Mall of San Juan (which is basically the most upscale mall in Puerto Rico at the moment) said that, due to contractual reasons (a better-known store was going to replace us), we had to close down.

Now, there’s only one store left, which is located at the Fairmont San Juan Hotel in Isla Verde. Like I told you earlier, shifts are very slow. Shifts last around 6 hours and it’s not uncommon to not make a single sale. Furthermore, all of my coworkers have slowly resigned. Right now, there’s only two of us left, as the third one that he had until recently resigned as well. Because the other store closed down, my working hours took a HEAVY hit (been working only 2-3 shifts a week for 5 1/2 hours per shift) and, as a result, my paycheck as well, obviously. I get paid a mere $200 more or less every two weeks, which doesn’t even remotely begin to cover my expenses.

Also, management is ABSENT AS HELL!!! We’ve asked for something that we need to work more efficiently and get the job done, but they’ve always either forgotten or end up giving us what we need after a good long while has passed (as in, never the same day and, sometimes, not even the same week).

I’m currently writing my resignation letter, effective immediately.

Should I tell them the reasons why I’m resigning?

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