
My lead tattles about me to my boss . Help?

I am not from America. I honestly do not know the labour laws in my country well either. Throwaway for privacy reasons. My lead engineer tattles about me behind my back to my boss. My boss has not confronted me about it but it's obvious that he does cause I've heard it many times. These things include me taking breaks, me not staying overtime (I'm not paid for it), etc. I am anyways planning on leaving in a month or so, I'm waiting for offers to come in so I can finalise my resignation. But I ask you antiwork community, what can i do to make this guy miserable for the rest of my time in the company? Or do I wait patiently for my other offers and just silently leave?

I am not from America. I honestly do not know the labour laws in my country well either. Throwaway for privacy reasons.

My lead engineer tattles about me behind my back to my boss. My boss has not confronted me about it but it's obvious that he does cause I've heard it many times. These things include me taking breaks, me not staying overtime (I'm not paid for it), etc.

I am anyways planning on leaving in a month or so, I'm waiting for offers to come in so I can finalise my resignation. But I ask you antiwork community, what can i do to make this guy miserable for the rest of my time in the company? Or do I wait patiently for my other offers and just silently leave?

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