
My little sister got fired from Walmart and is unfortunately learning just how shitty the work force is for upcoming generations

My little sister is 17 years old and worked part time for Walmart since she was 16. For those un aware, you get attendance points and each time you call out, you get 1 point unless you have accrued sick time/pto to use. Up to 5 or 6 points, you get fired. IIRC they go away 1 by 1 every 3-6 months. (I worked at home depot years ago and can't remember how frequently they go away, please correct me if I am wrong) Anyway she tried calling out for mental health reasons and they let her go. She says that she didn't have as many points as they claimed but they weren't having it. In her time there she was sexually harassed by a 30 something year old and they did nothing about it, didn't even accommodate her schedule to not work with him. She went on a rant…

My little sister is 17 years old and worked part time for Walmart since she was 16. For those un aware, you get attendance points and each time you call out, you get 1 point unless you have accrued sick time/pto to use. Up to 5 or 6 points, you get fired. IIRC they go away 1 by 1 every 3-6 months. (I worked at home depot years ago and can't remember how frequently they go away, please correct me if I am wrong) Anyway she tried calling out for mental health reasons and they let her go. She says that she didn't have as many points as they claimed but they weren't having it. In her time there she was sexually harassed by a 30 something year old and they did nothing about it, didn't even accommodate her schedule to not work with him. She went on a rant about how much she worked her ass off and how she was never rewarded accordingly. She was saddened that the company treated her like shit despite claiming how fantastic they treat their employees.

I am annoyed that our younger generations have to go through this and I can't help but feel so much hatred towards working conditions. I'm glad she doesn't have to put up with it anymore, but that's likely just until she finds another job.

I fucking hate it here

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