
my little story.

Well, seeing some of these made me decide I wanted to share my little 'horror' story. It really isn't that, but it was a bad experience, somewhat. Since July of last year (till recently) I was working at my local Papa John's. It wasn't great but I made good ish pay and it was the first job I've had that didn't drive me insane. I enjoy the road a lot. You basically get to take breaks as your job, sorta. The thing that sucks is working a tipped position in America. I made 11.40 in the store and 5.58 when checked out. Those are the most recent numbers, but MO minwage went up this year. It was probably more like 10.50 last year. Anyways. Recently I discovered through some internal digging that I wasn't making the money I thought I was. There was a page on our schedule website that…

Well, seeing some of these made me decide I wanted to share my little 'horror' story. It really isn't that, but it was a bad experience, somewhat.
Since July of last year (till recently) I was working at my local Papa John's. It wasn't great but I made good ish pay and it was the first job I've had that didn't drive me insane.
I enjoy the road a lot. You basically get to take breaks as your job, sorta.
The thing that sucks is working a tipped position in America.
I made 11.40 in the store and 5.58 when checked out. Those are the most recent numbers, but MO minwage went up this year. It was probably more like 10.50 last year.
Anyways. Recently I discovered through some internal digging that I wasn't making the money I thought I was.
There was a page on our schedule website that listed “driver on road” as 9.40/hr.
So I had presumed I was making 11.40 & 9.40
Come to find out it was actually the numbers listed earlier.
I got the district manager involved and they basically excused it as an error with the site we post our schedules to which isn't first party.
Really irritated me. Add on top of that, I had been working roughly 45-50 hours a week lately, typically 10-12 hour days on the weekends. My GM had been getting increasingly pissy and rude on our night shifts and it was really getting to me. On my last night, he went searching for me after I took an order, chewed me out for not having a car topper, and told me he was going to write me up for it.
Then followed up with several texts saying that no one can park out back anymore, then bugging me to respond while I'm driving.
I quit as soon as I got back to the store that night.
It wasn't a smart thing to do, but his attitude, the pay issues, the lack of raises or any consideration for the fact that I had been his most reliable and overworked employee for the past ten months really festered in me over that last 30 minute drive.
Alright, that was a long ranty write but I don't have anyone to talk to anymore and getting that out felt good.

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