
My manager has unfettered access to my email? Or are my messages automatically forwarded to her by a rule? Any way to find out for certain?

Hi. I have a micromanager 100%. She displays toxic behavior on a regular basis. This morning she went through an actionable list of items assigned to me and worked them, during which she forwarded emails (from my inbox) to me that she was not on copy to and were sent directly to me. Is there a way to find out if she has full access to my emails or if there is an Outlook rule that sends this over to her? I couldn’t find anything on the user side to what I have access to in Outlook. Note, I 100% understand this is company property and I have zero expectation of privacy. The information is not privileged or anything like that. It’s just sad and creepy that this is how my manager “leads” and offers no direct guidance or support. Am I doing a good job? Maybe not? But you…

Hi. I have a micromanager 100%. She displays toxic behavior on a regular basis. This morning she went through an actionable list of items assigned to me and worked them, during which she forwarded emails (from my inbox) to me that she was not on copy to and were sent directly to me. Is there a way to find out if she has full access to my emails or if there is an Outlook rule that sends this over to her? I couldn’t find anything on the user side to what I have access to in Outlook.

Note, I 100% understand this is company property and I have zero expectation of privacy. The information is not privileged or anything like that. It’s just sad and creepy that this is how my manager “leads” and offers no direct guidance or support. Am I doing a good job? Maybe not? But you would think a conversation would be held.

I’ve held office jobs for over 20 years. While I’ve been checked on before (internet history to see if I was using the network properly whole on break or that I wasn’t playing some crazy mini-putt game the rest of the office was doing) this is the first time it’s been held in front of me. What in the actual fuck people? This how you manage.

Well, if I am doing a “bad” job, I’m also working the most in my group. If they have no exit strategy for me, my workload drops on three people unexpectedly and I know one of them will quit. Attrition then, maybe? Who knows.

Advice welcomed.

I am typing this on an unrelated device on my home network during a designated break.

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