
My manager hates my guts and does a not so great job at hiding it

Hello! Context: I'm in my 20s and I got a part time job just for the end of summer before school starts again. I normally work two jobs (one full time during M to F and then one on the weekends). I'm working at a big box hardware store that isn't actually the worst. Worked there before and left on great terms. Manager on day one didn't give me the right numbers to punch in and just let me go without any training or mention of what I should be doing. I told her it has been awhile since I worked there so I'm not sure what I'm doing. She ignored me. She then made me fill out forms that said she supervised me and trained me properly. I ask about when the schedule will be out. She ignores me. I ask does the schedule go like Friday to Thursday,…

Hello! Context: I'm in my 20s and I got a part time job just for the end of summer before school starts again. I normally work two jobs (one full time during M to F and then one on the weekends). I'm working at a big box hardware store that isn't actually the worst. Worked there before and left on great terms.

Manager on day one didn't give me the right numbers to punch in and just let me go without any training or mention of what I should be doing. I told her it has been awhile since I worked there so I'm not sure what I'm doing. She ignored me. She then made me fill out forms that said she supervised me and trained me properly. I ask about when the schedule will be out. She ignores me. I ask does the schedule go like Friday to Thursday, Saturday to Sunday? SHE BLOWS UP ON ME. She tells me that because I chose to start so late (I had to give two weeks to my other job and the store manager (she sent me the offer letter) told me it was fine) that now she has to beg other people to give up shifts!! I should be ashamed that I have to ask SO MANY questions. This is an hour into my shift and I'm thinking “well shit I made a mistake working here.” She shows me to my trainer (someone who has been there for two shifts) and tells me I should hear about my next shift and updated punch info Saturday at the latest.

A few days after Saturday, I panic. I don't have her contact info (she gave me a sheet that was literally blank). I only have the store managers info. After much deliberation and one AITB post later, I email the store manager explaining the situation. She has to send me my schedule, email address that I was supposed to get Day 1, and my updated pin info. She apologized about my managers lack of communication.

The manager took a week off and I knew she wouldn't be pleased I went over her head.

So she came back the other day. First thing she says to me after I greet her? “Oh you're in” with a look of disgust. She tells me to go out in the heat and clean up and then water the garden centre. It was a really hot day so after starting the task, I felt light headed and went inside to do a task or two before braving the heat again. She stops me halfway through helping a customer (I was on my way out again – only in store for ten minutes) and asks me with this crazed expression “um where are you supposed to be?” I apologized and explained I was feeling ill. The customer, clearly uncomfortable, made a joke about how hot it was outside. She, not even blinking and staring into my soul, goes “well I think maybe you should learn to prioritize instead of abandoning your work.” She stomps off. Another customer asks me for assistance looking for a product, I was still shaky with the computer so I went to ask for help. Only person I could find? My manager. She immediately berates me that I shouldn't bother her and that I should get with the program. She scoffs and said as a young person she thought I'd be smarter with technology. People this is my third shift at this point and the computer is at least from the dawn of time. She stomps off again, leaving me with a very uncomfortable customer and no idea how to work the computer. She did this SEVERAL times in one shift.

Other staff and customers have made comments about how she treats me and I think I can tough it out (summer is almost done). However, I wanted to rant about it and also I want advice please.

I live in Ontario and I was wondering what are the limits on what she says/does? Does it qualify as harassment? Like it just makes me so uncomfortable! I can't ask her any questions without getting a snarky response even from day one!!! I always try REALLY hard to be respectful, but she gets really mean and I just don't know what to say!

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