
My manager refuses to give hours and as a result I’m struggling

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been getting only one or two shifts a week, which meant I was making around $140 per week. At first, my manager claimed that the lack of hours were only temporary and were due to successful inventory (whatever the fuck that means). I decided to be patient and wait it out, hoping that the situation would get better soon. It didn’t. This week and for the next couple of weeks, I have a maximum of one 5 hour shift per week. I’m making only $60 per week. Once I put some money into my savings, I don’t have anything left to spend. Thankfully I’m only a student so I don’t have any bills to pay, but what about my coworkers? They’re all grown and have full on families but only have two shifts a week. How are they going to support themselves and…

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been getting only one or two shifts a week, which meant I was making around $140 per week. At first, my manager claimed that the lack of hours were only temporary and were due to successful inventory (whatever the fuck that means). I decided to be patient and wait it out, hoping that the situation would get better soon. It didn’t. This week and for the next couple of weeks, I have a maximum of one 5 hour shift per week. I’m making only $60 per week. Once I put some money into my savings, I don’t have anything left to spend. Thankfully I’m only a student so I don’t have any bills to pay, but what about my coworkers? They’re all grown and have full on families but only have two shifts a week. How are they going to support themselves and their family? They can’t.

This situation pisses me off. My manager infuriates me. How can you look at your coworkers in the eye, overhire, and then fuck their lives over by barely scheduling them? At this point it doesn’t even feel like I’m working a job but rather checking in once a week to do chores. I’m so angry and I just needed to vent about this.

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