
My manager sabotaged my colleagues career.

I went to an unofficial after work, and one of my managers peers became talkative after a few pints. She told me my manager blocked one of our most talented asscociates promotion by saying he had “personal problems” to upper management after they decided to promote him. I'm obviously pissed off, and I don't intend to keep my colleague in the dark about why his oppurtunities to advance suddenly disappeared. I am in a very fortunate position myself, and I'm going to have to screw up hard at the moment to not surpass my manager within a year or so. So there is a strong likelihood that I can push through a promotion for my colleague in a year or so, but I also don't want him to waste more time at a company/with a manager, that is doing harm to his career. Fuming right now…

I went to an unofficial after work, and one of my managers peers became talkative after a few pints.

She told me my manager blocked one of our most talented asscociates promotion by saying he had “personal problems” to upper management after they decided to promote him.

I'm obviously pissed off, and I don't intend to keep my colleague in the dark about why his oppurtunities to advance suddenly disappeared.

I am in a very fortunate position myself, and I'm going to have to screw up hard at the moment to not surpass my manager within a year or so.

So there is a strong likelihood that I can push through a promotion for my colleague in a year or so, but I also don't want him to waste more time at a company/with a manager, that is doing harm to his career.

Fuming right now…

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