
My manager threatened to fire me for standing in the wrong place. So I walked out.

Today, I walked into work expecting a fairly routine day. I worked in a deli so I was expecting to fry some chicken, slice some meats and cheeses and be done for the day. My manager apparently had different plans. I was standing behind our hot-case, with a full clear view of the front counter where we help customers. My manager came to me and told me to move to a different table to do what I was doing, which was pre-packaged cheese, so that I could “have a better view of the counter” . The table he wanted me to move to was against a wall, the back wall to be specific, blocked on both sides by meat slicers so I couldnt stand in any way except directly facing the back wall. I explained this to him, he then decided to claim I was arguing with him saying “If…

Today, I walked into work expecting a fairly routine day. I worked in a deli so I was expecting to fry some chicken, slice some meats and cheeses and be done for the day.

My manager apparently had different plans.

I was standing behind our hot-case, with a full clear view of the front counter where we help customers. My manager came to me and told me to move to a different table to do what I was doing, which was pre-packaged cheese, so that I could “have a better view of the counter” . The table he wanted me to move to was against a wall, the back wall to be specific, blocked on both sides by meat slicers so I couldnt stand in any way except directly facing the back wall.

I explained this to him, he then decided to claim I was arguing with him saying “If you dont wanna do what Im telling you we can go talk to management right now and they can deal with you”.

The only thing I said to him was “Id rather be here than on that table because I can already see the counter and I would rather be facing the counter than have my back turned to it”.

So I just went ahead and moved to the back table, finished my shift, Clocked out and quit.

I have an interview for the same position in a different company, which I have already worked for in the same store that I applied to. So Im not worried about money or job security at all.

This isnt the first time stuff like this has happened.

This manager constantly no-call/no-shows, Is hardly ever in the department when he is there, makes awful schedules which he would modify and not tell anyone and got upset at us when our schedule didnt match his, and is extremely two-faced and disrespectful toward nearly every person in the department.

Me and my coworkers were supervising ourselves every day, we had to put in nearly all orders for deli supplies since our manager was never in the dept. he never knew what we actually needed.

He would leave in the middle of his shifts to go to Dunkin and get coffee, multiple times a day, everyday, and didnt listen to any of me or my coworkers concerns with the department, management or anything for that matter.

The place im going to be working is one of the best places ive worked, and i have assured re-employment through this company. Im happy to be going to a place in which I know ill be valued atleast more-so than i was at my prior job.

Thats all.

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