
My manager tried to tell me I shouldn’t discuss wages. Advice needed.

I had recently requested a raise at my job due to another key employee on my team leaving recently, an increase in my responsibilities, and that I’ve been approaching my second year at the company in just over 2 weeks. Before my coworker quit, he told me that he was making $2 more per hour than me and that, when he requested a raise (as he hadn’t gotten one in 2+ years), he was only offered an additional 75 cents. When discussing my raise with my manager, I mentioned offhand that I knew that my former coworker whose role I was taking over was making, and that I would like to make at or near that wage as well. At our first meeting, she acknowledged it and did not say anything, but she pulled me aside just now to tell me that I shouldn’t be asking people what they make…

I had recently requested a raise at my job due to another key employee on my team leaving recently, an increase in my responsibilities, and that I’ve been approaching my second year at the company in just over 2 weeks. Before my coworker quit, he told me that he was making $2 more per hour than me and that, when he requested a raise (as he hadn’t gotten one in 2+ years), he was only offered an additional 75 cents.

When discussing my raise with my manager, I mentioned offhand that I knew that my former coworker whose role I was taking over was making, and that I would like to make at or near that wage as well. At our first meeting, she acknowledged it and did not say anything, but she pulled me aside just now to tell me that I shouldn’t be asking people what they make (which I didn’t, he told me, and regardless we have a legal right to discuss it) and that someone’s wage is confidential. This was an in-person conversation.

I know that what she said was illegal, but I don’t have it in writing. I did get a raise, but I need advice as to how to word an email to her to confirm both my new wage and that I’m supposedly not allowed to discuss wages with coworkers. Any thoughts?

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