
My mom is having problems with a known gang member at work and doesn’t know what to do

My mom (~52F) works at a well known hardware store, and has a coworker who has told her – and many others over time – that he ~(40M) is actively in a gang. She has tried to stay neutral with him, but put her foot down when he would try to untie girls aprons – that they are required to wear – or poke them, overall just because she doesn’t want him to touch her without her consent. She had said to someone else that she was concerned he was going to get written up for harassment of others. Now, through the grapevine, he has found out and is bashing her to everyone he talks to. He has told her that he carry’s a gun in his car, and that he’s done awful things in his life. Whether this is to install fear in her we don’t know, but she…

My mom (~52F) works at a well known hardware store, and has a coworker who has told her – and many others over time – that he ~(40M) is actively in a gang. She has tried to stay neutral with him, but put her foot down when he would try to untie girls aprons – that they are required to wear – or poke them, overall just because she doesn’t want him to touch her without her consent. She had said to someone else that she was concerned he was going to get written up for harassment of others. Now, through the grapevine, he has found out and is bashing her to everyone he talks to. He has told her that he carry’s a gun in his car, and that he’s done awful things in his life. Whether this is to install fear in her we don’t know, but she is genuinely fearful for her life at this point. Is there any advice on how she should proceed? She’s staying at the farthest departments and trying to avoid him at all costs, not talking to others at all about the situation but it’s eating her up inside.
She doesn’t want to report him for fear of retaliation but she’s afraid just going outside at this point.

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