
My mom’s boss changed her time card, reducing her hours worked

My mom lives in Indiana and has been working part-time for a shitty boss in a government office for 9 years. He's verbally abusive towards customers (behind their backs) and is only nice to certain people in the office, my mom not being one of those people. She just noticed he reduced her hours by 15 minutes and is now wondering how many times he might have done this. She's not in a great place financially, and has hung onto this job out of desperation and fear of finding something new, especially since they were considered essential workers during covid and she was still able to work. What can she do in this situation? I'm afraid she won't want to pursue anything legal since it could risk her not having that job at all. Her career has consisted of unappreciated and grossly underpaid roles like a secretary, before landing here…

My mom lives in Indiana and has been working part-time for a shitty boss in a government office for 9 years. He's verbally abusive towards customers (behind their backs) and is only nice to certain people in the office, my mom not being one of those people. She just noticed he reduced her hours by 15 minutes and is now wondering how many times he might have done this. She's not in a great place financially, and has hung onto this job out of desperation and fear of finding something new, especially since they were considered essential workers during covid and she was still able to work.

What can she do in this situation? I'm afraid she won't want to pursue anything legal since it could risk her not having that job at all. Her career has consisted of unappreciated and grossly underpaid roles like a secretary, before landing here scanning documents, so her confidence in finding a better job is pretty low.

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