
My new boss is hindering my progress at work

My industry is male dominated, and I am the only woman in the team. From the start, my new boss started commenting on my nails, perfume and my gender. His latest comment, in front of my male colleagues, was, “I am not your father but I want you to turn on your camera during meetings.” He repeated that he is not my father and he can’t tell me what to do over 3x. Btw I am not the only who doesn’t turn on their camera during meetings. He constantly undermines my work and insinuates that all my work is done by my male colleagues. Even after copying him in all my emails, he keeps insisting I don’t know anything. He constantly reminds me how to my job even though I have been doing it for over 3 years. I sat down with him several times to discuss his expectations of…

My industry is male dominated, and I am the only woman in the team. From the start, my new boss started commenting on my nails, perfume and my gender. His latest comment, in front of my male colleagues, was, “I am not your father but I want you to turn on your camera during meetings.” He repeated that he is not my father and he can’t tell me what to do over 3x. Btw I am not the only who doesn’t turn on their camera during meetings. He constantly undermines my work and insinuates that all my work is done by my male colleagues. Even after copying him in all my emails, he keeps insisting I don’t know anything. He constantly reminds me how to my job even though I have been doing it for over 3 years.

I sat down with him several times to discuss his expectations of me and to give me some feedback on my work but he refuses to say anything other than he is happy with my work and that is I am “extremely smart”. Even when my questions are direct like “What do you think I have been doing for the last 7 months?” He would not admit to any work that I have done other than saying “I am smart and he is happy with my work” with no specifics. Is there anything else I can do other than look for a new job? My worry is that he might be setting me up to fail and looking for an excuse to fire me. I don’t know how else to explain his actions. Any advise?

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