
My new job makes me miserable & I want to quit but don’t know how!

I made the mistake of trying out the sales field and decided I do NOT like my job. I’ve been “with the company” as a 1099-contracted employee since January. I spent a lot of money on getting licensed and spent a lot of unpaid time getting trained. I’ve felt like they kind of tricked me into getting this far because everything they told me ended up being too good to be true. Every time something negative came up, they sugar coated it & made it seem like I would never run into those problems again. Apparently in this industry, there’s a thing called “chargebacks” so almost all of the money I’ve made (commission) has been paid in advanced but since a few of my clients canceled their services (something beyond my control), the company wants the money they paid me back. So I “owe” the company money & I feel…

I made the mistake of trying out the sales field and decided I do NOT like my job. I’ve been “with the company” as a 1099-contracted employee since January. I spent a lot of money on getting licensed and spent a lot of unpaid time getting trained. I’ve felt like they kind of tricked me into getting this far because everything they told me ended up being too good to be true. Every time something negative came up, they sugar coated it & made it seem like I would never run into those problems again.

Apparently in this industry, there’s a thing called “chargebacks” so almost all of the money I’ve made (commission) has been paid in advanced but since a few of my clients canceled their services (something beyond my control), the company wants the money they paid me back. So I “owe” the company money & I feel like I owe my boss money because they purchased licenses for me to operate business in other states.

There are a hundred other reasons why I’m unhappy at this job and don’t think this is the right fit for me. I don’t even want to list them here because it would turn this is into a full blown novel.

It’s on me for getting myself into this position, but I want OUT.

I work to make money & get my bills paid, not to have a company try to take their money back from me for whatever reason. I don’t want to stress about this job anymore. I tried it. I didn’t like it. It’s not for me. & I want to leave. But because of the chargebacks & feeling like I need to reimburse my boss for the licenses, I am so stuck on what to do or how to handle the situation. I have a LOT of anxiety about this. I am so non-confrontational & I HATE letting people down or feeling like I’ve disappointed them :/

Any advice on how to move forward would be greatly appreciated! I figured I’d ask you guys because you seem like you’d know how to tell employers like this to fuck off lol

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