
My new job with a workers’ rights organization flat out lied in the job post and in the interview.

How's that for irony? I interviewed for a contract position that was M-F and was to end in November. The job post matched what we discussed in the interview. It was more hours per week than I wanted, but I decided to bite the bullet and accept because the work was interesting and the length of the job fit very nicely with everything I have going on. I get to the end of my first week and at our team meeting it was announced that starting the very next week we'd only be working four days instead of five. Ok… whatever…I'm adaptable. I have been working freelance for a long time so I'm quite used to managing multiple projects and contracts simultaneously. Things change. No big deal. I have other commitments that I can fill that extra day with. I get to the start of the next week, and at…

How's that for irony?

I interviewed for a contract position that was M-F and was to end in November. The job post matched what we discussed in the interview. It was more hours per week than I wanted, but I decided to bite the bullet and accept because the work was interesting and the length of the job fit very nicely with everything I have going on.

I get to the end of my first week and at our team meeting it was announced that starting the very next week we'd only be working four days instead of five.

Ok… whatever…I'm adaptable. I have been working freelance for a long time so I'm quite used to managing multiple projects and contracts simultaneously. Things change. No big deal. I have other commitments that I can fill that extra day with.

I get to the start of the next week, and at our team meeting it was announced that whoops! Your contracts are going to end in August, not November.

So I go from 5 days/week for 3 months to 4/days a week for 3 weeks.

When I called them out for deceptive interview and onboarding practices, my objections were met with “well in the agreement it does state that any of these terms can be changed”…what a cop out. That agreement is basically an outline of my responsibilities and expectations while on the job, and not a rehash of basic hours and scheduling.

I'm so tempted to just walk away but I need to line something else up quick simply for the fact that I have a few months to feed.

Should I walk or stick to it for another week and a half?

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