
My offices new strategy: we didn’t make that much when we were your age!

Coworker just came out of her annual review – she was ready to ask for a 10% increase but before she could both our manager and HR told her they were giving her 6% and how she already makes soooo much more than they did when they were her age. They can't imagine having made that much, and she's not even in her 30's! Wow, aren't you so thrilled you're making allllll this money? Aren't you happy to be getting a raise on top of the piles of cash you already bring in?? She was so blindsided and guilt tripped that she just accepted it an left. I am livid, and now dreading my own review. Obviously the answer to that is “and just remind me, how much was a house when you were my age? How much was gas? What did your student loan repayments look like?” But I…

Coworker just came out of her annual review – she was ready to ask for a 10% increase but before she could both our manager and HR told her they were giving her 6% and how she already makes soooo much more than they did when they were her age. They can't imagine having made that much, and she's not even in her 30's! Wow, aren't you so thrilled you're making allllll this money? Aren't you happy to be getting a raise on top of the piles of cash you already bring in??

She was so blindsided and guilt tripped that she just accepted it an left. I am livid, and now dreading my own review. Obviously the answer to that is “and just remind me, how much was a house when you were my age? How much was gas? What did your student loan repayments look like?” But I don't know how to do that without being an asshole.

Any advice and sympathy rage is appreciated.

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