
my old boss put a few of us on trespass

so, at my first job, the store manager was a nightmare to deal with. he would get in people's faces and yell at them if we did anything wrong, and my coworkers and i sent so many complaints to HR and it was never handled. one of my coworkers quit after being yelled at, she and i were the only fat people working in the store, and he called her a “lazy fat pig”, so she walked out. she already had a job lined up, she was planning to quit anyway, so it didn't matter much to her. however, when i heard this i wanted to quit immediately, too, but i had to find a job first, so i stuck around for a while until i could get another one. he came up to me one day and told me that if i ever see her come into the store…

so, at my first job, the store manager was a nightmare to deal with. he would get in people's faces and yell at them if we did anything wrong, and my coworkers and i sent so many complaints to HR and it was never handled. one of my coworkers quit after being yelled at, she and i were the only fat people working in the store, and he called her a “lazy fat pig”, so she walked out. she already had a job lined up, she was planning to quit anyway, so it didn't matter much to her. however, when i heard this i wanted to quit immediately, too, but i had to find a job first, so i stuck around for a while until i could get another one.
he came up to me one day and told me that if i ever see her come into the store to call the cops, since he placed her on trespass. i asked him why, and he said “because she quit without a two weeks notice”. later, he fired our LOD and he was placed on trespass. that i understood, the guy was a nutcase. a couple other people quit without two weeks notices, and they all were banned from the store. when i told him i was quitting, he said “now you know if you don't put in your two weeks i'll ban you, right?” i told him i understood, that i would finish out my last weeks in full (wound up doing 3 weeks at his request). my friend, who had also quit with their two week notice, called me up one day and said that despite quitting with a notice they got banned and almost had the cops called when they went in for pet food.
i called the assistant manager, who's the best, he and his wife are like family to me now, and i asked him what the fuck happened. my assistant manager said “he was mad because they were the last person who knew how to handle the furniture department.” so i asked if i had been banned because i was the top cashier and according to the store manager, “the only one who how to do this part of the job”. thankfully i wasn't, i actually liked a lot of the stuff we used to sell.
come to find out recently, the store manager got fired because he was stealing money from the company and sleeping with a coworker. karma, asshole.

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