
My old job was and still is a joke.

So, last year (I was 15) I worked for a local outdoor bar. I stayed there for 4 months. I was desperate for a job at the time because I was trying to help pay for my extracurriculars, and my dad (my family’s sole source of income) being in and out of surgery, that started to depend on me. Now extracurriculars aren’t nearly as important as bills or food, but I wanted to at least ‘pull my own weight’ which I now realize is bullshit, especially when it comes to children. On to the actual job. When I started, it was pretty okay. I didn’t know what to expect from a job as it was my first, but my coworkers were friendly, my manager seemed cool. I got right into the swing of being a food runner. First red flag was seeing my coworkers (most of which were 15-17) working…

So, last year (I was 15) I worked for a local outdoor bar. I stayed there for 4 months. I was desperate for a job at the time because I was trying to help pay for my extracurriculars, and my dad (my family’s sole source of income) being in and out of surgery, that started to depend on me. Now extracurriculars aren’t nearly as important as bills or food, but I wanted to at least ‘pull my own weight’ which I now realize is bullshit, especially when it comes to children.
On to the actual job. When I started, it was pretty okay. I didn’t know what to expect from a job as it was my first, but my coworkers were friendly, my manager seemed cool. I got right into the swing of being a food runner.
First red flag was seeing my coworkers (most of which were 15-17) working up to 12 hour shifts, days in a row. I didn’t know much about labor laws at the time, but I knew that wasn’t legal.
Second red flag was witnessing one of my coworkers have a literal heatstroke in the kitchen (90° weather, no AC in the kitchen). He was sent home, had one day off, then came back.
There’s so, so many fucked up things, but I’ll list a few. I don’t even remember what exactly happened, but I was in a lot of pain. I had already worked 6 of my 8 hours that day, and I asked my manager if I could call out early to see a doctor. Again, I was in a lot of pain, enough that I didn’t think I could finish my shift that day. He says no, and my coworker ends up having to take the rest of my shift just so I can see a doctor. I heard from drink runners that the inside bar manager would frequently harass the female bartenders, and the owner liked to pocket their tips.
I remember having several anxiety attacks at work because it was just too much for me. At 15, I was working 35+ hour weeks. I did not get a break in any of my shifts during all 4 months working there. From friends I have that still work there, I’ve heard nothing has really changed. Like the title says, the place is a fucking joke.
I’m now 16 and work for a grocery store, it’s a lot better. Still not ideal, but so, so much better.

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