
My parents keep pressuring me

I've been unemployed since October 2021, and I feel I've been living my best life since. Every day I wake up and go to sleep happy, and I don't feel lacking in anything because I live with my fiance and he gets a good enough wage for us both to be able to live comfortably off it. However my parents keep pressuring me to find a job, telling me it's unacceptable that I don't put any effort into finding anything. And it makes me feel sad, mostly for them, that they cannot accept that their daughter is happy. I'm of the mindset that if there truly is a job out there that won't make me miserable, then I will find it no matter how little I try. But for now, I'm enjoying just being a “housewife”. I do the dishes every day, I do the laundry, I hang out with…

I've been unemployed since October 2021, and I feel I've been living my best life since. Every day I wake up and go to sleep happy, and I don't feel lacking in anything because I live with my fiance and he gets a good enough wage for us both to be able to live comfortably off it.

However my parents keep pressuring me to find a job, telling me it's unacceptable that I don't put any effort into finding anything. And it makes me feel sad, mostly for them, that they cannot accept that their daughter is happy.

I'm of the mindset that if there truly is a job out there that won't make me miserable, then I will find it no matter how little I try.

But for now, I'm enjoying just being a “housewife”. I do the dishes every day, I do the laundry, I hang out with our cat and I overall am just having a great time following the beat of my own drum all day long.

I live in a rural town, so there's not any job openings here aside from hotels or grocery shops, and I absolutely hate tourism and customer service so obviously I am not considering those jobs.

I feel like I'm only applying to jobs to please my parents, and I have no idea what to do or tell them to make them understand that I am happy to not work, and that there's nothing wrong with how my fiance and I live.

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