
My partner and I are both quitting the same bar

Throwaway account. I started working at a new bar in my city in November. I'm a full-time student and I have another job as a bar manager but I picked up this job as a supplemental income while my other job is slow this season. It was supposed to open in November when I was hired but after about 4 or 5 opening day pushbacks and two months of useless, repetitive training, it finally opened in January even though this place is very much still under construction. The bar has a ton of issues but the money was pretty good so I stuck with it and even got my partner a job working during the week (I worked on the weekends). Mind you we both have studies and primary jobs. I'll sum up some of the core issues of the place since listing them all would be a novel. The…

Throwaway account.

I started working at a new bar in my city in November. I'm a full-time student and I have another job as a bar manager but I picked up this job as a supplemental income while my other job is slow this season. It was supposed to open in November when I was hired but after about 4 or 5 opening day pushbacks and two months of useless, repetitive training, it finally opened in January even though this place is very much still under construction. The bar has a ton of issues but the money was pretty good so I stuck with it and even got my partner a job working during the week (I worked on the weekends). Mind you we both have studies and primary jobs.

I'll sum up some of the core issues of the place since listing them all would be a novel. The bar manager who you report to directly is overworked, unapproachable, and quick to anger during rushes. She doesn't know how to schedule people at proper times so its either that days get understaffed/overstaffed at inappropriate times (I've opened on a Saturday by myself/shes put seven bartenders on when the capacity is 4) or its a madhouse during a shift switch, everyone arrives and leaves at the same time (which takes over 20 minutes during peak hours to get people in/out). I've had drinks with her, came in for her bartending shifts when I wasn't scheduled and helped her out with anything she's needed. The GM is the biggest space cadet I've ever seen he constantly loses important things likes keys and documents, forgets things you tell him, messes up payroll, and wanders around with his hands in his pockets when we need help at the bar. The owner only cares about smoozing investors and demands to be catered to with 5 star service (he got pissy with me once because I asked his investor if he'd like another drink without remembering what he had last). Also this place is not a high class lounge or anything like that, just a neighborhood hangout. Despite all their issues, we both stayed because the hours were good and we liked our coworkers.

So now to the incident that made us leave. My partner and I like to visit each other during slow shifts on occasion. It's never very long, a drink or two until the other gets done then we leave. I came in after class last Tuesday the 15th, had two glasses of wine, paid, then left. I came in for my shift on Sunday and when the bar manager came in, she was clearly upset about something. She wouldn't give anyone the time of day, wouldn't look up from her computer, and most of the answers to questions were “I don't know” “not my problem” and “figure it out”.

Cut to this past Friday, my partner works out the entire week and after his shift, they pull him aside and accuse him of not ringing in my drinks from the previous tuesday. He said he couldn't remember because it was over a week ago and said if he didn't, he's sorry for the mistake and would be happy to pay for it. Nope. They said we had “planned to steal inventory” and gave him a WEEK LONG suspension without pay. When he came home to tell me, I sent them an email with a screenshot from my bank statement showing I had paid (dated and totaled to the amount I ordered with tip) and just making it clear we didn't plan anything, we both like our jobs, and it was just a lack of communication. The GM did not take that well. Completely ignored my bank statement and the jist of the snippy email me telling me if I don't like their management style I shouldn't work there. I haven't replied to the email yet but if anyone has any suggestion how we can write our resignation, I'm all ears.

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