
My paycheck was hundreds of dollars short

I go to work, clock in and clock out, all of that, but I get my pay stub this morning and what do you know? Not even enough to cover my rent. I called my boss and they literally just forgot to put in my hours for some days, I looked at my last paycheck, also missing money, I did use some sick time but our sick time is paid so I still should have money for those days as well, and if they can’t get it to me by tomorrow, I will have absolutely no way of paying all of my bills, not even rent.

I go to work, clock in and clock out, all of that, but I get my pay stub this morning and what do you know? Not even enough to cover my rent. I called my boss and they literally just forgot to put in my hours for some days, I looked at my last paycheck, also missing money, I did use some sick time but our sick time is paid so I still should have money for those days as well, and if they can’t get it to me by tomorrow, I will have absolutely no way of paying all of my bills, not even rent.

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