
MY PTO was denied because we’re short staffed.

My department has a seriously high turn over rate. They don’t pay well enough at all and that’s not considering inflation. I don’t know why I’ve stuck around. But this is the last straw how is it my responsibility that this department is barely functional. I have a wedding to go to and although I’m honestly not too excited about that, I was looking forward to taking much needed time off. I came in this morning and was asked (told) to reconsider my pto dates because of staffing needs and our department’s labor shortage. Not my problem.

My department has a seriously high turn over rate. They don’t pay well enough at all and that’s not considering inflation. I don’t know why I’ve stuck around. But this is the last straw how is it my responsibility that this department is barely functional. I have a wedding to go to and although I’m honestly not too excited about that, I was looking forward to taking much needed time off.

I came in this morning and was asked (told) to reconsider my pto dates because of staffing needs and our department’s labor shortage. Not my problem.

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