
My seniority means nothing?

Hello I been working for my company for 8 years. I always wanted to get some more hours since I only work 20 hours at the time. However life changed and I needed more hours. They would always tell me nothing is available and I would agree and wait more. Well finally they give me my hours for 3 months, than suddenly I get a call saying the other employee who started 3 months ago will be taking those extra hours from me and I will have to go back to 20 hours a week. I was very upset about this! I told my supervisor that this is ridiculous I have way more years than this person! He told me well the other guy is not comfortable working the other shift hours and this is the only shift i see fit to give him to make him comfortable. He told…

Hello I been working for my company for 8 years. I always wanted to get some more hours since I only work 20 hours at the time. However life changed and I needed more hours. They would always tell me nothing is available and I would agree and wait more. Well finally they give me my hours for 3 months, than suddenly I get a call saying the other employee who started 3 months ago will be taking those extra hours from me and I will have to go back to 20 hours a week.

I was very upset about this! I told my supervisor that this is ridiculous I have way more years than this person! He told me well the other guy is not comfortable working the other shift hours and this is the only shift i see fit to give him to make him comfortable. He told me if you would like the hours you are in his favour and need to work it out with him, maybe he will be nice and give it to you.

I am not gonna beg.. This is ridiculous! However when they needed me to work on call I was always there, I even worked overtime of 70 hours once in a week. But they cannot seem to give me proper hours.

My supervisor tells me there is not much he can do.

So I complained to the manager and he told me hang on let me fix this, I get a call from my supervisor he is all angry saying now he has to move people around just to accommodate me. Like why the hell are you mad?! So for my extra hours the manager told me he will get back to me to make it permanent (make it 40 hours). I hope I get the 40 hours because this is ridiculous.

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