My sister works at one of the biggest resorts on the Las Vegas strip at a resort pool deck as a lifeguard. She, amongst other life guards have one place for shade, that being a tiny, pathetic excuse of a Pool Reception Desk. It’s not much more than a large shed missing a wall to act as a window to interact with guests. It does not. Have. Air.
There is no fan, no AC. There is 20 musty ass lifeguards in there at a time all sweaty with 0 air circulation inside. They’ve been asking for months and the managers just aren’t doing anything about it. They’d say shit like “It’ll come eventually.” “It has to go through upper management.” “Just drink cold water, pour it on yourself if you have to.” “It’s not up to me.”
Now, my sister almost died of heat stroke today. She took an ambulance to the hospital and her coworkers are telling me it’s most likely gonna have to come out of her own pocket. What? There has to be something we can do, right? There’s no fucking way this is legal.