
My story…

Where to start. May last year I resigned from my IT Infrastructure Team leader role because my entire team resigned within a week of each other. They were basically sick of the workload, senior management wouldn't listen, so they voted with their feet. So rather than recruit a whole new team, I had enough so left too. June last year I started a new role, with a major fashion brand that sells boots, as a team leader. Initially went really well. Then the wider team had a reshuffle and I was suddenly looking after the retail side of the team, retail IT being something I know very little about. The team as a whole – 10 guys – kept making mistakes with creating MS Dynamics 365 accounts. I looked into it and every member of the team was making these mistakes. I was told by my manager to make an…

Where to start.

May last year I resigned from my IT Infrastructure Team leader role because my entire team resigned within a week of each other. They were basically sick of the workload, senior management wouldn't listen, so they voted with their feet. So rather than recruit a whole new team, I had enough so left too.

June last year I started a new role, with a major fashion brand that sells boots, as a team leader. Initially went really well. Then the wider team had a reshuffle and I was suddenly looking after the retail side of the team, retail IT being something I know very little about. The team as a whole – 10 guys – kept making mistakes with creating MS Dynamics 365 accounts. I looked into it and every member of the team was making these mistakes. I was told by my manager to make an example of one of them, I refused and changed the process for creating the accounts, additional training etc.. Fast forward 22 days and 7 months to the day I started I was fired for not performing at the level expected of me. Basically, they wanted someone's head for the mistakes, and because I wouldn't get rid of someone, they got rid of me.

I appealed and asked for 3 things, to show on my record that I resigned, for the firm to admit that they acted wrongly, and for some additional pay (I got 3 months) I got all three of my requests.

I was expecting to have got a new role by now, had a few interviews, a couple of really close chances but nothing.

I am really starting to lose hope. I don't know what to do other than keep applying. I need to earn a certain amount, but things are getting dire I may end up taking anything. May even have to sell the car…

I have noticed a trend in the UK where you have to fill in an online application form – I did one yesterday for a hospital and it took me 2 hours to fill it out. It's getting worse to even apply for jobs.

Recruiters do not respond, leave you hanging, or are damn right rude. The attitude from one today was, “at your age, you can't be picky of the jobs you go for!” – like WTF!!!!!

My wife is getting stressed and truthfully `I have had enough.

Thanks for letting me rant


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