
My story about a bad interview and job offer

​ A while ago, I applied for an aviation software sales rep position great pay & benefits. I had 3 interviews & was quite impressed. The interviewing manager was very polite and gave me some idea of and what my day to day would be like. I went through three interviews all three of them were very well done one was with the VP. The last interview I had the manager made it sound WONDERFUL. They were pretty thorough on the interview process and I had a feeling what to expect Apparently I was wrong. One thing they DID NOT do that I feel would have been helpful is to have had an option to spend a day with the potential company that I interview with. This way I can hopefully get a feel of what it is REALLY like before I would decide that this is the place for…

A while ago, I applied for an aviation software sales rep position great pay & benefits.

I had 3 interviews & was quite impressed. The interviewing manager was very polite and gave me some idea of and what my day to day would be like.

I went through three interviews all three of them were very well done one was with the VP. The last interview I had the manager made it sound WONDERFUL. They were pretty thorough on the interview process and I had a feeling what to expect Apparently I was wrong.

One thing they DID NOT do that I feel would have been helpful is to have had an option to spend a day with the potential company that I interview with. This way I can hopefully get a feel of what it is REALLY like before I would decide that this is the place for me.

However, I never thought to ask them what would be expected of me in the first 60 days of my employment because I was told in the lengthy interview process what my job description is & they seemed to inform me of their expectations & I felt I could do this job and do it well.

Had I just asked about the first 60 days what to expect >>training, travel or any other requirements I bet I would have avoided an absolute disaster as you read what happened below.

I was never told in any of the 3 interviews that I would be flying to Nevada for 2 weeks of training until 3 weeks AFTER working there. Also, I was NOT told during the training that I would have to memorize a presentation and recite it word for word to the VP and If I fail this task that it could very well end my employment with them.

IF I had been told These things during the interview process especially the part about reciting a presentation word for word I would have not taken this job.

I was about 3 weeks into my employment showing up every day doing things that I was hired to do meeting my customers, building customer relationships and making some sales along the way. Then suddenly being told “hey we're going to fly you to Nevada for some training”

I was not told during the interview process that that would be happening. That's not too bad because it was an all expense paid trip. so, ok goodbye to wife and kids for 2 weeks.

But the training was horrible, it caused me to resign while still in Nevada Read on to see why.

About 4 days in to this “”training” I was told I MUST memorize a several paragraph presentation and by the end of training, recite it to management and the VP.

This was a NO EXCEPTION REQUIREMENT & to “pass” I must recite it to the management and VP before the 2-week training ends.

The short version of this disaster is >> I was struggling to memorize this crap. I was up all hours of the night trying like hell to memorize this stuff. With less than 3 hours sleep & then back in training the next day. Repeating this process until about 8 days in I finally realized that this above what I am capable of, and I decided a stroke or worse makes this job not worth it.

While there in Nevada, I resigned and asked to be flown home. I should have been told in the interview process what to expect in the first 30- 60 days of my employment. If they disclosed in the interview process the presentation memorization requirement I would have 100% NOT accepted this job offer.

I can somewhat understand about the two-week training maybe the manager didn't know corporate was going to send me there?

When I am speaking with a customer I have to be myself I can't do it from a script it's just not the way I do things, Had I know that I would never have taken this job.

I hope that this will help ANYONE that goes on job interviews please don't not make the mistake I did, and PLEASE ask the employer what is expected in the first 30 -60 days Hopefully asking those key questions you'll know ahead of time whether you're making the right choice.

You would think They would want you to know if you're okay with traveling for 2 weeks for a training course? and also if you're able to memorize presentations because some people just can't, and I'm one of them.

It was uncomfortable resigning in just a few short weeks Especially doing so when you're 8 days into a training seminar clear across the country. They did buy my plane ticket back and sent me on my way.

Try to get as much information on a job interview and make sure there are no surprises.

if you don't know in advance, and it's something you can't / do not want to do it can cause a problem.

I hope this was helpful for anybody that's job interviewing and reads my post here

Don't let this happen to you, It was a horrible experience.

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