
My supervisor at work said I’m lazy and just want to be spoonfed on what to do

He was checking whether I know what to do at a job site tomorrow and I have no idea what he's talking about because he wouldn't just tell me directly even though he knows. So he said the spoonfed thing and I just kind of brushed it off at that time cause I know it's not true but it's bothering me now. The thing is that once we get to the job site, then I'd have understood what it was that we had to do. But I'm just so overwhelmed by other tasks that I can't remember everything that was said a while ago Sorry if I'm not making any sense, I'm just so tired

He was checking whether I know what to do at a job site tomorrow and I have no idea what he's talking about because he wouldn't just tell me directly even though he knows. So he said the spoonfed thing and I just kind of brushed it off at that time cause I know it's not true but it's bothering me now. The thing is that once we get to the job site, then I'd have understood what it was that we had to do. But I'm just so overwhelmed by other tasks that I can't remember everything that was said a while ago

Sorry if I'm not making any sense, I'm just so tired

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