
My supervisor expects me to be a mind reader

I work in a factory as a maintenance mechanic/millwright/electrician/ whatever the fuck my boss wants me to be in any given moment. I was 30 mins late to work because public transit sucks. Usually i get verbal instructions in the morning for jobs of the day, but i missed the morning meeting so all i had to go off of was a single typed sentence, vaguely describing my tasks, which was sent through a work group chat. So i show up, and go ask my supervisor to give me the rundown for my daily tasks. “You are working with Dan today, go ask him.” Fine. I go ask Dan. We have to cut some metal plates and bolt them to some old metal steps, to act as guards to cover up a gap that someone could potentially fall through. So I measure the gap, go to the hot work room,…

I work in a factory as a maintenance mechanic/millwright/electrician/ whatever the fuck my boss wants me to be in any given moment.
I was 30 mins late to work because public transit sucks. Usually i get verbal instructions in the morning for jobs of the day, but i missed the morning meeting so all i had to go off of was a single typed sentence, vaguely describing my tasks, which was sent through a work group chat. So i show up, and go ask my supervisor to give me the rundown for my daily tasks.
“You are working with Dan today, go ask him.”
I go ask Dan. We have to cut some metal plates and bolt them to some old metal steps, to act as guards to cover up a gap that someone could potentially fall through. So I measure the gap, go to the hot work room, draw my cut lines on a large sheet of aluminum (about 3/4 inches thick so its not the easiest to cut through), get all my ppe on, get the old bullshit hand grinder fitted with a cutting blade, and start cutting. Its hot, and dirty and there is aluminum dust everywhere. It takes about an hour and a half to cut the sheets and file the edges. Supervisor comes to check what im doing.
“You cant use aluminum. We have to weld this.”
He never told me or Dan anything about welding. So now after about 2 hours of work, he decides to give me the instructions that i asked for WHEN I SHOWED UP TO WORK. Waste of my fucking time and im tired as shit from doing all this metal work.
Fuck the industrial section and fuck supervisors expecting everyone to be a mind reader.

Just needed to rant and wasn’t sure where to post this but I landed here.

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