
My Union (UFCW99), saved me today.

So I work for Fry's Food and Drug, owned by everyone's favorite company, Kroger. I work in the curbside pickup department, fulfilling and delivering customer orders to the parking spaces. Yesterday I worked a 4-8p closing shift. When I walked in, there were already customers who had been waiting an hour (our goal is 4 minutes), so I immediately went and starting working my ass off to keep up and get things flowing. During they day, and especially after noon, we begin closing procedures, most importantly we fill shopping trollies with totes, and then we fill each tote with 2 bags. 12 trollies, 9 totes each, 2 bags per tote. This and many more tasks are very important to ensure morning crew gets a good start. Do the math, its a lot of time consuming and repetitive work. Well, by the time the night of sheer chaos and disorganization was…

So I work for Fry's Food and Drug, owned by everyone's favorite company, Kroger. I work in the curbside pickup department, fulfilling and delivering customer orders to the parking spaces. Yesterday I worked a 4-8p closing shift. When I walked in, there were already customers who had been waiting an hour (our goal is 4 minutes), so I immediately went and starting working my ass off to keep up and get things flowing. During they day, and especially after noon, we begin closing procedures, most importantly we fill shopping trollies with totes, and then we fill each tote with 2 bags. 12 trollies, 9 totes each, 2 bags per tote. This and many more tasks are very important to ensure morning crew gets a good start. Do the math, its a lot of time consuming and repetitive work. Well, by the time the night of sheer chaos and disorganization was over I was left alone for over an hour by 8pm, time for me to go home. None of the major closing procedures were even started, so I did the absolute bare minimum. I still ended up staying 45 minutes late. I simply did not have time to perpare the room and workstations for the following day. The following day a shit storm erupted and morning crew complained, and my department manager warned me that I had to sign paperwork for poor job performance when I clocked in. She may have also saved me, because I immediately called the union and my rep just so happened to be in town, since most are either in Phoenix or Tuscon. Providence, coincidence, I don't care, I say it is destiny. I filled her in on the situation and she came up with a plan. So, my rep and her trainee, my department manager and an assistant store manager all joined me in the office. My rep quickly took over and told them how unfair the situation was, and rightly so. It was only after she came in was my situation downgraded from paperwork to “just a talking to”. I feel that if I didn't have my rep there, I would be facing a suspension and losing hours needed to pay my bills. Finally I can say that my Union has worked for me! Victory will be had, my brothers and sisters. All will be well soon.

Do any of you have similar stories? Anyone ever slaved for Kroger before? How did it go for you?

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