
My wife is being docked pay for making a personal phone call at work, despite having worked the entire time.

Today my wife got an email from her car insurance company and had to call them back to deal with some stuff on their end. She called them during her lunch and had to continue it at work where she spent a total of 45 minutes on the phone while doing her normal job (at a desk). Roughly 30 minutes of the call while at her work was just her sitting on hold. (She has an un-used 15 minute break at this point also) After she finished her business on the phone, her boss came over and informed her that she was going to dock my wife 45 minutes worth of pay because she was on a personal call. My wife then tried to explain that she was basically on hold during most of it, and it didn't affect her ability to do her normal work duties. Her boss actually…

Today my wife got an email from her car insurance company and had to call them back to deal with some stuff on their end. She called them during her lunch and had to continue it at work where she spent a total of 45 minutes on the phone while doing her normal job (at a desk). Roughly 30 minutes of the call while at her work was just her sitting on hold.

(She has an un-used 15 minute break at this point also)

After she finished her business on the phone, her boss came over and informed her that she was going to dock my wife 45 minutes worth of pay because she was on a personal call. My wife then tried to explain that she was basically on hold during most of it, and it didn't affect her ability to do her normal work duties. Her boss actually cut her off and interrupted with:

“Don't make excuses, and stop trying to alter the situation when I know what's going on.”

Now, if my wife was truly screwing the dog and not doing her job properly this kind of thing I could understand. But she was literally still working during this time. I can't help but feel like this is breaking some kind of law. And what kind of high-school BS is this where her boss is acting like she's her mom or something? She's not making excuses lady, she's literally explaining herself. To me, cutting her off like she did is a sign that she knows that what she's doing isn't right but won't give her a chance to talk so she doesn't get called on it.

Edit: This is in Alberta, Canada.

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