
My work cut hours from everyone without telling us but gave us all $10 gift cards to try to make us stay

So here’s a quick rundown of what’s been going on at my work. I work with 14 other people and have a manger who never shows up for his shift. About two weeks ago my job has cut hours from every single person. They have cut from a range of 3-15 hours and without any notice to anyone. Our manager just posted the schedule and hoped we would all just accept it. I looked at our schedule and saw that I had 12 hours taken away. I called my manager to ask why he didn’t even try to tell me or to talk about it with me to give me a warning. He responds with “well I didn’t want to create a panic so I just posted it”. I was in shock at how stupid of a reason that was. I just zoned out and as he gave the old…

So here’s a quick rundown of what’s been going on at my work. I work with 14 other people and have a manger who never shows up for his shift. About two weeks ago my job has cut hours from every single person. They have cut from a range of 3-15 hours and without any notice to anyone. Our manager just posted the schedule and hoped we would all just accept it. I looked at our schedule and saw that I had 12 hours taken away. I called my manager to ask why he didn’t even try to tell me or to talk about it with me to give me a warning. He responds with “well I didn’t want to create a panic so I just posted it”. I was in shock at how stupid of a reason that was. I just zoned out and as he gave the old manager trying to justify stupid action speech and, just knew now’s the time to finally leave. We have already had 2 people put in their 2 weeks notice and a lot of people are openly expressing that they are looking for a new job and are going to leave as soon as they have something lined up.

The company now sees that they are going to be in a bit of shit seeing everyone dipping out. So time for Ol reliable. My manager came into work carrying a box of candy (about $20 worth) and says “Merry Christmas!” He shows that he got everyone a $10 gift card to the grocery store. He then looks at everyone working that shift and says “Just wanted to show how we all appreciate you guys.” He then leaves and doesn’t come back for the whole shift he was supposed to be working. The best part about this is that the amount of money I would of made if he didn’t cut my hours is the same amount of money he used to buy the gift cards and candy for everyone.

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