
my workplace is switching from annual cost of living adjustments to merit based raises

I work at a public library as basically customer service. As long as I’ve been here we’ve received annual cost of living raises in january or february. We hadn’t heard anything this year, so a coworker emailed the director and CCd all of us to ask what’s up. The directer responded letting us know she doesn’t know for sure, but the reason we haven’t gotten our raises is because the county has decided to move to merit based raises, and the library will likely follow. I’ve been thinking about leaving for quite a while now and this certainly is pushing me toward that option. Honesty, merit based raises motivate me to work less, because i despise the idea of getting a raise over my coworkers, who support me every day and need a raise as desperately as I do. I sure wish public workers could unionize in my state. .…

I work at a public library as basically customer service. As long as I’ve been here we’ve received annual cost of living raises in january or february. We hadn’t heard anything this year, so a coworker emailed the director and CCd all of us to ask what’s up. The directer responded letting us know she doesn’t know for sure, but the reason we haven’t gotten our raises is because the county has decided to move to merit based raises, and the library will likely follow. I’ve been thinking about leaving for quite a while now and this certainly is pushing me toward that option. Honesty, merit based raises motivate me to work less, because i despise the idea of getting a raise over my coworkers, who support me every day and need a raise as desperately as I do. I sure wish public workers could unionize in my state. . .

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