
My yearly evaluation makes me want to quit.

After last year's review, I made up my mind to really, really try my best to improve in the small areas that could use some growth and I also spearheaded several projects that had great results. Problem? I got exactly the same numeric result as last year and most years before. When I brought up my biggest project and the great results, she backpedaled saying that although although I had done well at x and y, I hadn't done z – z being something that hadn't even been on the table because of Covid. I wish I could just grab everything in my locker and get the fuck out of there.

After last year's review, I made up my mind to really, really try my best to improve in the small areas that could use some growth and I also spearheaded several projects that had great results. Problem? I got exactly the same numeric result as last year and most years before. When I brought up my biggest project and the great results, she backpedaled saying that although although I had done well at x and y, I hadn't done z – z being something that hadn't even been on the table because of Covid.
I wish I could just grab everything in my locker and get the fuck out of there.

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