
Nation wide strike March 7th

Fuck this. FUCK THIS. Homeless people on every street. People can’t pay bills. Families can’t eat. Workers can’t rest. Rich get richer. We live in squalor and under constant anxiety of life getting flushed away with one surprise financial burden. “America the beautiful” my ASS. This shitty country doesn’t care about us or want us. What we forget is that we have the fucking numbers. what the hell are they gonna do if the entire country just stops. They can’t nuke all of us. It can be so easy. Dont go to work, who gives a shit about clocking in at walmart if you’re gonna still have to go hungry for dinner cuz you had to pay for the gas to get to work that day. If even half the country decides to strike at once, fuckin march on washington if we need to. demand change. we can get this…

Fuck this. FUCK THIS. Homeless people on every street. People can’t pay bills. Families can’t eat. Workers can’t rest. Rich get richer. We live in squalor and under constant anxiety of life getting flushed away with one surprise financial burden. “America the beautiful” my ASS. This shitty country doesn’t care about us or want us. What we forget is that we have the fucking numbers. what the hell are they gonna do if the entire country just stops. They can’t nuke all of us. It can be so easy. Dont go to work, who gives a shit about clocking in at walmart if you’re gonna still have to go hungry for dinner cuz you had to pay for the gas to get to work that day. If even half the country decides to strike at once, fuckin march on washington if we need to. demand change. we can get this shit done this year if we all communicate and organize. im tired of living with the acceptance of, “life sucks, this is the way it is”. NO. the rich got to steal land and property and riches and take power and make the rules and we have to sit here and let them all over us??????????? FUCKKKKKKK THATTTTTTTTTTT. I want to be able to enjoy vacations, take sick days, go to college for free, not be financially ruined because of a broken arm, work 3 jobs to make rent. they get to fuck hookers and snort cole in the maldives with the dollars they are stealing from us. no. fuck that. i might just be ranting and this dies without even being seen by 3 people. but imagine the lower we’d hold in out hands if we organized and actually did something finally

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