
Need a private group to vent about women being stripped of rights?

In the wake of so many women losing their rights, their own basic body autonomy, there's a group set up today to just pour your vents, your frustrations, and spread awareness to organizations, rallies, and events to step up like we had to 50 years ago and carry on proving our worth again. The Red Kitchen Table is here for anyone that needs a place to land and just scream into the echo chamber.

In the wake of so many women losing their rights, their own basic body autonomy, there's a group set up today to just pour your vents, your frustrations, and spread awareness to organizations, rallies, and events to step up like we had to 50 years ago and carry on proving our worth again.

The Red Kitchen Table is here for anyone that needs a place to land and just scream into the echo chamber.

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