
Need a reality check

Hey all, I might delete this later, but I'm in a bind and wanted to run it past at least one over person to see if things are as fucked as I think they are. A few days ago there was a shootout in front of where I work. I won't get into details, and nobody I work with was injured, but the cops were on the scene for over two hours afterwards. In the aftermath, my employer didn't give any sign of crisis management or even a number to talk to. Instead, we were told not to talk to the media and given the owners card to refer them to. At first things were ok-ish that night, just a bit rattled, joking about the near miss, etc, but that night I had repeating nightmares about it and last night I couldn't sleep because the fireworks kept me in a…

Hey all, I might delete this later, but I'm in a bind and wanted to run it past at least one over person to see if things are as fucked as I think they are. A few days ago there was a shootout in front of where I work. I won't get into details, and nobody I work with was injured, but the cops were on the scene for over two hours afterwards. In the aftermath, my employer didn't give any sign of crisis management or even a number to talk to. Instead, we were told not to talk to the media and given the owners card to refer them to. At first things were ok-ish that night, just a bit rattled, joking about the near miss, etc, but that night I had repeating nightmares about it and last night I couldn't sleep because the fireworks kept me in a constant state of fight or flight for literally hours. I'm just a lowly worker, but I feel like after that, asking us all to just keep on working like nothing happened is a bit insane. Am I completely in the wrong thinking the company's response isn't in the ballpark of appropriate, or is this just the new world and I should have no problems with this? Just wanted to check in and see if I'm completely off the map on this one. Thanks for any help, and have a great day to all you wonderful guys, gals and non-binary pals of reddit!

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