
Need Advice – How to Deal With Flaky Manager/Company

Hi Antiwork, I need advice on my current work situation. I had met with my manager approximately two weeks ago to discuss specifics about my promotion and raise. Today was payday and my raise was not reflected on my paycheck and I'm really upset about this. I understand that it is sometimes common for raises to not be immediately shown on your next paystub, due to company culture/logistics. Typically I am very understanding of these types of scenarios, however today my blood is boiling and I need to vent/take action. I currently work for a large General Contractor as a Sr. Project Engineer, working on commercial constructions projects throughout Southern California. I started with this company on March 1st, 2021 – so approx. 1.5 yrs now. For the first year while working for this company I was bouncing from project to project filling in and picking up lose ends and…

Hi Antiwork, I need advice on my current work situation. I had met with my manager approximately two weeks ago to discuss specifics about my promotion and raise.

Today was payday and my raise was not reflected on my paycheck and I'm really upset about this. I understand that it is sometimes common for raises to not be immediately shown on your next paystub, due to company culture/logistics. Typically I am very understanding of these types of scenarios, however today my blood is boiling and I need to vent/take action.

I currently work for a large General Contractor as a Sr. Project Engineer, working on commercial constructions projects throughout Southern California. I started with this company on March 1st, 2021 – so approx. 1.5 yrs now.

For the first year while working for this company I was bouncing from project to project filling in and picking up lose ends and helping out where I was told to help out. I eventually meet with my manager, about 5 months ago, to discuss with my future and direction within the company as well as anchor me to a project to work on with the intent to transition me to a Superintendent position, he even mentioned a raise during this meeting 5 months ago.

When I first arrived on this project 5 months ago I was given full Superintendent responsibilities since day one, with very limited supervision/direction. I was introduced to everyone as a Superintendent, Subcontractors recognize me as a Superintendent etc… So after about 3 months (beginning of June 2022) of this I try to begin conversations for a formal promotion and a raise. I reached out to my manager over the phone and asked to have a meeting to discuss my promotion and raise, he agreed that it was time and that he had been on his mind to reach out to me, and that he would clear his calendar for a meeting with me by the following Tuesday.

He hung up and never set up a meeting or reached out, Tuesday came and went with no explanation. I get it, everyone's busy especially your manager, so I send him an email (June 14) asking what happened to our meeting. His response was that he had run my promotion and raise by HR first and that now we were are good to go. So we set up a Meeting for June 16th, again he ghost's with no explanation. He reaches out to my direct supervisor the next day to again reschedule for June 20, because he was too busy. June 20th comes and he at least texts me to say he's sick and wont be able to make the meeting and we reschedule for June 21st. June 21st and yet again he needs to reschedule for the next day, I don't see his message this time and conversation dies for about week.

My direct supervisor tells me that my manager will be visiting the project and to meet with me on June 29th. June 29th comes and I see my manager, his first words are “We are going to sit down and have our meeting Tuesday, July 5th” and I respond with “OK”. I could have complained about all the previously pushed out meetings, but, I wanted a promotion/raise instead and put on the nicest face I could muster. He bails on the July 5th meeting with no explanation. July 8th I send him and HR an email, (obviously mad)

“Hey XXXXXX, we have been trying to connect since the beginning of June and it just hasn’t worked out. Is there anything stopping you from just giving me a raise and position change through email instead of meeting in person? If a raise and title change are not in the cards for me, then just let me know please. I am not stating facts, however I personally feel like I am being “strung along” at this point.”

My manager responds, with an apology and sets up a meeting for July 13th.

We FINALLY meet on July 13th. During the meeting het tells me I crushed it etc… I am told during the meeting that I am receiving my Superintendent title as well as a raise (96.5k to 115k). He even goes as far as to say that I will receive an additional raise at the end of the year due to inflation, etc… Sounded amazing, too good to be true, because it probably is.

It's July 26th, my pay is the same, and my title is the same. I've reached out to HR, unfortunately they are vacation. I reached out to the companys CFO (HR's interm) and no response. My manager? I'm not joking, he's currently on vacation in the Bahamas.

All I want to do at this point is sow carnage through this garbage company – is there anything that I can do to get my point across?

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